Thursday, May 12, 2011

Be still and know that I am God

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

What does it mean when God taught us to be still and know that He is God. Don't we already know that He is God? So if knowing God is not an issue, then it must be keeping still that is. Or could knowing God be the key issue?

When you are down to your penny, when your debtors are chasing you for payments, when you have just lost your job, when your boss is shouting for a fault that's not yours, when your children are sick and crying non-stop in the middle of the night, when your close friend betrays you, when the doctor told you that you've cancer...

Can you be still, and know that He is God?

Meditate on the verse again, and may His rhema falls upon you. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." When you know that God is control, when you know that He was and is beside you when you lost your loved ones, when you lost your job, when your baby was in hospital, when you're suffering from depression or feeling suicidal, when you feel that nobody can help except...


"Be still and know that I am God."

You see, God wants you to know that He is God. He is not a mortal Mr Super-hero or Mr Idol or Mr Mega-star. He is not your earthly loving father, nor your generous boss, nor your caring best friend. Neither is He an up-and-coming candidate running for US Presidency.


Now when you know that He is God, you will be still. And when you are still, you will realise that He's really God. God is God! Period.

"Be still and know that I am God."

When you are anxious and worried and panicky, can you be still? So why are you anxious and why do you worry and panic when you know that God is God? And that this God who is God is with you and for you, and that He will never leave you nor forsake you?

Peter and the other 11 disciples doubted Jesus and thought He was a ghost when they saw Him walking on water. Peter thus shouted to Jesus, "If you are Jesus, command me to walk on water!". Jesus replied, "Ok, come. And you tell me if I am Jesus or a ghost." Thank God that Peter had greater faith than the other disciples and did the impossible by trusting Jesus (note that at that point Peter wasn't really sure if He's indeed who He claimed Himself to be, or is He really a ghost). Unlike Doubting Thomas, Peter trusted with a child-like faith, and immediately his heart was stilled (and I'm sure the rest of the disciples too). Until..., well you know the rest of the story.

Doubting Thomas was not still when he doubted Jesus when the rest of disciples told him that they saw Jesus. He was stilled only when Jesus said "Ok, come, feel my hands and sides. And you tell me if I am Jesus or otherwise (most probably a familiar spirit)." No points for guessing correctly that Thomas was stilled when he fell upon the feet of Jesus.

"Be still and know that I am God."

When you doubt, you are not still. When you are not still, it's hard for you to know that He is God, even if He appears in front of you. So my brethren, "Be still and know that I am God."

Thank you, Jesus for using me to share your truth. Glory be unto you!


Joel Osteen - Be Quick to Give God the Credit

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3