Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 lessons learnt about Life...and God.

Throughout my fluctuations in my faith and my disobedience to God, my ups and downs, my faithfulness and faithlessness, I've learnt that:

1) God is still God, whether we acknowledge Him or not.

2) God has never left or forsake us. It's we who choose to leave God.

3) God still blesses us abundantly, but it's the Devil who snatches them away through our sinful acts.

4) We reap what we sow. Everything has a cause and effect (consequence), God can overlook the cause if we ask for forgiveness, but we can never ignore the effect (e.g. infidelity resulting in divorce). We can only accept it humbly and seek repentance, and pray that we will not repeat them.

5) Everything happens for some reasons (more often than not it's good), for God has good plans for us. We may not understand it now, but we will in time to come.

6) Everything happens 1st in our mind (and we can submit our mind either to God or devil) before manifesting into actions.

7) God is the same God when He 1st created the world, when He was on earth, now, tomorrow, and after Armageddon.

8) Bible says that the love of money (and hence all greed) is the bottomest root of all evil. If we open our eyes wide when we read the newspaper and around us, we know that is indeed very true.

9) Bible says that having a good wife (or partner, bf/gf, whatever you call it, but only serious relationship of course, not flings or 10 nights stand -_-) is a good thing. If God says it's good, it's REALLY good (and don't you ever believe the devil when he says it's good. Remember what he told Eve about the apples? They're "good"...really "good"). Therefore conversely, having a bad wife (or whatever you call it) is REALLY bad. So choose wisely. This earth could be your sparkling heaven, or fiery hell, figuratively of course.

10) It's easier to preach than to eat your peach! Er...I mean, it's easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk.

:) Yours *whatever,

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