Wednesday, September 7, 2011


What is the origin of life? Are we intricately created or are we a result of an accident, of random atoms banging into each other in the universe? Or did we evolve from apes?

Who decided the 4 seasons in life? Who designed the beautiful colours and patterns of the butterfly? Who controls the revolving of the earth and the strength of the sun? The rising and setting of it too. Who and what determines the cycle of life? Who determines the food cycle, who sets the rule that grass must grows on ground and soil, and that cows eat grass, and that we can eat cows? Who determines that cow must eat grass, and frogs and lizards eat flies, and bacterias break down decaying organisms? Which wise creature designed the water to evaporate as vapours to form clouds, and back to earth again as rain? Who invented snow? Are all these the result of random accident? Or that everything just happens somehow and cows just happen to like grass, that birds happen to be able to fly, that monkeys climb trees, and fishes swim? Is it accidental that our mouths are link to our stomachs, and our stomachs produce specific juices that are strong enough to digest only food, yet not our flesh? Is it just a careless sketch that our waste must pass out through our rectums that so happen to be placed at the bottom end of our intestine? Is it Albert Einstein? Or Mathma Ghandi? Hippocrates, the father of medicine? Or Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology? Or Pablo Picasso, the most famous artist ever? Or Solomon, the wisest man recorded on history, or some contended the title must belong to Confucius, or the highly revered Siddhartha Gautama, who attained enlightenment and became Buddha? Who is it?

Don't you wish to know where you came from? Or who created you? Or are you just a product of Big Bang theory or Apes evolution theories? Who decides your strengths and talents and your weaknesses and flaws? Your previous life determines that? Or perhaps this life affects your life after this? So how much good is good enough for one to become something/somebody better than human in the next life? And how much bad is considered bad enough to be downgraded to a lesser being or animal? Murder? White or just about any coloured lies? Does lustful thoughts alone condemn one to hell, or must it be fornications and adulteries? What if I do 10 good deeds but 1 very bad deed? Or can I do 10 very good deeds to atone for my 1 atrocious deed? How and what should I do to repent and to gain true forgiveness from God(s)?

No, I'm not stirring up any debates nor am I highlighting any specific religion. I've great respect and tolerance for all religions. I'm just pondering now just as you could be wondering too. After all, we don't blindly accept anything thrust to our mouths, right?

How does life 1st come about? Many would agree that there's one thing all of us will ponder some day, be it now or later, but especially during our old age or on our deathbeds. That is life and death, or more specifically "life after death". Granted, most of you probably won't think of it now. And I'm the weird or rare ones out there to be thinking of it so prematurely. What if, just what if...there's really an Almighty God? I'm saying what if? And what if, what if tomorrow is our last day on Earth? What if, what if someone indeed created us, and we know not who is He, nor bother to find out? Most of us know who our earthly parents are. But is there really such a being as a heavenly Father, who created our beautiful earthly parents, and loves them as much too?

What if your life is indeed carefully woven and knitted in your mother's womb? What if a breath has to be breathed into your once lifeless body to make it alive? What if your life is so precious and valuable that it is given a soul that forms our most unique personality and character, that there is no other that is similar to you in this entire world? Even your thumb print is so carefully threaded that there's no single thumb print in this universe that shares your design. Wow! If it's true that there is a God and Creator, then we must be so loved and wonderfully designed! And how wonderful this God must be!

Or maybe there isn't a God who's almighty and wise. All that God-stuffs are man-made and a figment of man's imaginations. Everything on planet Earth and out of it are random. The stars and how the constellations are arranged and fixed throughout ages, the shape of the moon which follows the calendar without fail, the sun that never runs out of heat, the earth that never stops revolving... Now, you and I know these are certainly not random! But hey, since there's no almighty and wise God or Creator, everything just kinda happens!! How and why these came about, nobody knows, and we shouldn'tbe bothered by it. I mean, luck has it that we have day and night, sun and moon, water and clouds. Nature has it that we gradually evolved from apes. And who knows, we might evolve into another creature in future?! How can there be somebody who is so wise to design the homo sapiens and all non and living beings on, beneath, and above the earth? Or maybe, at most somebody designed the apes, and just stop at that, and let the apes evolve into whatever it becomes thereafter?

But still, even if the evolution theory stands true, somebody must design the apes. Or the dinosaurs, or any creature for that matter! Who is it? Who determines that most living creatures must have 2 eyes (why not just 1, after all we can also see with just 1 eye)? Who so decides that all lives are in the blood (for without blood, there's no life)? How then did such blood come about? Who invented blood? All doctors can testify about the intricacies of the blood and DNA. Who is this chief scientist of all scientists, the chief inventor of all inventors? Can any doctor in this world manufacture blood or form a single atom from machines? If so, we can finally do away with blood donation!

Sigh...what if, what if? So many mysteries. Perhaps you are keen to know more about your very existence, the reason why you are created, and who's your creator. Or perhaps I hear you saying "Who cares!? I've only 1 life, so I shall just live it to the fullest and take in whatever this world has to offer. After life or not, what will be will be, que sara sara."'s your life.

From yours truly and His only,

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