Friday, August 13, 2010

Just How Common is The Common Flu of Mental Disorders

In the United States alone, around 10% of the country’s total population of age 18 years and older develop depressive symptoms. Such statistics are representative of developed and affluent countries like Singapore. 10% means that for every 100 people you see in every 1 and a half packed train carriages every morning during rush hour, 1 person is depressed. If it's not you, it could be the person next to you. In a population of 5 millions people in Singapore, you can imagine the staggering number of depression sufferers. Well, the comforting news is that unlike diabetes, depression is not only treatable, it is curable for many.

Why is depression so prevalent? Why are humans so prone to depression? Interestingly, do animals get depressed? Is it only a "poor man" problem, since the rich seem to be happy and in no lack? Is it true that the older one becomes, the higher the probability of him contracting depression? What causes depression?

I like to discuss first about what causes depression. It is wise to know what causes depression, for obvious reasons. I know of people around me who came to me asking for information about depression, either for themselves or for their friends. They cited various reasons such as work, relationship issues, financial, studies, office politics, self-esteem and image issues, etc. Yes, all these and more can cause depression. That explains why it is so widespread. And in case you think you are immune to it, you are not. Famous people like Janet Jackson (singer); Michelangelo (artist); Billy Joel (musician); Boris Yeltsin (ex-Russian President); Princess Diana of Wales; Harrison Ford (actor); J. K. Rowling (author of Harry Potter); Jim Carrey (comedian), Winston Churchill (ex-British prime minister), all suffered from depression and toyed with suicidal thoughts.

It has stirred me lately that the suicidal cases had shot up in the past year, and its victims are getting younger. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that for every successful suicides mentioned in the papers, there are many that were not reported, and many more that were unsuccessful. Though there are many reasons as to why one chooses to end his live, it doesn't take too long to guess that depression is one of them. I like to watch documentaries, and one thing that doesn't fail to amaze me is the fact that animals fight and struggle for survival. Yet the wisest of all living creatures and God's creations, the homo sapiens, choose death.

"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV)

"Do not be a fool--why die before your time?" (Ecclesiastes 7:17b)

As much as I would like to condemn suicides, I empathise with its victims. I understand...when one is constantly trapped in a dark tunnel with no ray of lights at its far end, who can blame him for harbouring suicidal thoughts? Who can blame him for feeling utterly depressed, for giving up on life? No, I'm not pro-suicides, but I can try to empathise. When you are up to your neck with debts, when your spouse deserts you for another, when you are being sexually abused by a close relative, when you feel like a worm, a good-for-nothing, when everyone around you has something to be proud of, and you have none...what is there to live?

There is one truth and one hope that I've discovered. And it lies with this one quote which Corrie Ten Boom once wrote “If you look at the world you’ll be distressed, if you look within you’ll be depressed, but if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.” Sounds very philosophical? Indeed, but it basically means that if you are self and world-conscious, you will be distressed. If you are Christ-conscious, you can find rest and peace. Think about it, almost all our problems are self-centered, isn't it? How much wealth should I accumulate; am I well-prepared for retirement; how do my friends view me- are they judging me based on my clothes and appearance; how should I climb the corporate ladder; how many true friends do I have? Now I'm not saying all these are wrong, they are good and essential! However, what's your priority?

Is Christ first in your priority list, or last? Do you wake up everyday thinking about how are you going to live out the will of God and please Him, or how many deals you want to close today, or more absurdly but very true, what clothes to wear or bags to carry to impress your colleagues and clients? Again, I'm not God-fanatic and saying that thinking about nice clothes or working hard for sales are wrong. My question is: Who are you doing all these things for? For yourself, or for the glory of God?

"But seek you first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given you." (Matthew 6:33)

God knows you need a stable and good career, God knows you like to wear nice clothes and to look good. God can and will like to bless you with these, but first you must seek Him, and ask.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalms 37:4)

Notice that it didn't state "Delight yourself in all your splendor and wealth" The secret to unleash all your heart desires is to "Delight yourself in the Lord".

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